Uma delegação do Partido Ecologista “Os Verdes”, composta pelos dirigentes nacionais Victor Cavaco e João Martins, desloca-se amanhã, sexta-feira, dia 6 de Maio, a Riga (Letónia) para participar nas actividades previstas na reunião do Conselho dos Verdes Europeus.
A reunião inicia-se amanhã e termina no domingo, dia 8 de Maio. Entre outras questões, serão debatidos os temas relativos às Campanhas Comuns Verdes e ao Tráfico de Pessoas (Escravatura no Coração da Europa).
“Os Verdes” salientam ainda que será debatida neste Conselho dos Verdes Europeus, uma moção apresentada pelo Partido Ecologista "Os Verdes", sobre a preocupante situação de seca que Portugal atravessa.
European Green Party/EFGPasb1 l
3 Riga, 6-8 May 2005
5 Draft normal resolution
7 on action on Climate Change and Drought in Portugal
9 Tabled by Os Verdes, Portugal
11 Considering the present reality of Climate Change and its ongoing negative effects on the short term,
13 Considering the increasing occurrence of unpredictable and extreme climate phenomena,
15 Taking into account the conclusions of the SIAM project (Climate Change in Portugal:
16 Scenarios, Impacts, and Adaptation Measures - Phase II) that point out a clear and strong
17 tendency for desertification of the interior and southern regions of Portugal,
19 Taking into account that Portugal is facing the worst drought since 1990, which is expected to increase
20 in severity in the coming 3 months,
22 Considering that this winter several small villages are facing a lack of drinking water as is usually only
23 felt during dry summers and are already being supplied by tank trucks,
25 Considering that in general the water quality of rivers and dams is decreasing, further hampering water
26 supply,
28 Considering that Portugal will probably face an especially hot dry summer,
30 Having in regard that these aspects have a strong negative influence on productivity and on the
31 national economy (mainly on agriculture, but also on tourism), on environmental stress and forest
32 degradation (increased probability of fires), and on health and life quality (decreased water quality and
33 lack of drinking water),
35 The European Green Parties gathered in Riga in their 2nd Council Meeting stress the Portuguese
36 Government to implement measures to adequately deal with these problems in the short,
37 medium and long term, i.e.:
39 - to implement the additional measures of the National Plan for Climate Change (such as: implement a
40 Carbon tax applicable to industry, energy supply, households and services; promote the retention of
41 Carbon in agricultural soil; promote adequate disposal of livestock waste namely by establishing a
42 Methane (CH4) tax applicable to intensive livestock farming; reduce by 8.6% the losses of the
43 electricity supply infrastructure in 2010; achieve 18% generation of electricity from CHP (combined
44 heat and power production) in 2010; reduce the electricity demand in 1300 GWh by 2010 by
45 improving end-use electricity efficiency; achieve 4650 MWe of electricity generated from renewable
46 sources in 2010; alter the tax structure applicable to the transport sector to incentive less carbon
47 intensive modes);
48 - to ensure that the national water supply policy adequately deals with the drought problem by strivin
49 g
50 for a reduction in losses of the water distribution grid and a more efficient consumption.
52 - to change the forest policy by effectively reducing the size of continuous areas of eucalyptus and
53 pine tree, developing incentives for the planting of multifunction traditional forest based on oak and
54 cork tree, which are more resistant to fires and more efficient in refilling ground water reserves;
56 - to control the level of the Portuguese most intensive water-use economic activities, like agriculture,
57 by promoting the cultivation of less water-demanding species, and tourism, by not permitting new golf
58 courses in potentially drought-affected areas, and ensure that the watering system of the existing ones
59 is supplied with recycled water.
61 - to invert the tendency for privatizing water services, guaranteeing that public water systems have
62 public management.